Wednesday 3 March 2010

Beautiful Lashes

What is it about eyelashes? Such a small detail, and yet there is a whole industry for making them look longer, fuller, thicker, curlier and even a different colour. As I have the stumpiest of lashes, I have a new found love for fake lashes, no surgery, no pain and all to gain! There are some amazingly creative ones out there all within my reach. It really is possible to have a whole draw of lashes, to match any outfit, any occasion, any date!! The lastest innovation is 3-D Lashes - Eyelash extentions that are attached to each hair individually one lash at a time with super light weight adhesive. It's like having hair extensions but for your lashes. They last around 2 months and they are perfectly waterproof to shower, swimming and tears!! For when it's time to take them out. I would happily sit for an hour to have eyelash extensions over hair extensions any day. A total beauty treat especially for a special occasion like a wedding. Beauty is truly in the eyes of the beholder,ME!

Monday 1 March 2010

The Beauty of Spring

Hello World!

March will always be one of my favourite months of the year, it’s the time when the days are brighter longer the purple and white tiny snowdrops start to push through and appear as if from nowhere, soon there will be daffodils coming up from the ground too and the hope that all the grey, cold winter is behind us for another year. Spring is here and summer is coming!! Hip Hip Hurray!! Breath in the fresh free air!